Radon Mitigation

Radon Mitigation Services in Southern Maine

You finally found it! You and your partner found the home where you want to settle down and raise your children. It has everything you want: enough bedrooms, bathrooms, a garage.

But while it has everything you want, it might have something you don’t want: radon gas.

You should be able to enjoy playing with your children or watching your favorite show without worrying about your home’s radon quality. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just living in your house, call DB Air Quality for radon testing and mitigation at 207-615-1507.

Why Radon Mitigation is Crucial

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and Maine is no exception. Since radon is a colorless, odorless gas that forms naturally from the breakdown of uranium in soil and rock, it can seep into homes undetected. Prolonged exposure to elevated radon levels poses significant health risks, especially for children and elderly family members.

Because radon levels can vary from home to home, testing is the only way to know if your indoor air quality is safe. If your home tests above the EPA-recommended action level of 4.0 pCi/L, installing a mitigation system is the best way to protect your family’s health.

How Radon Mitigation Works

The purpose of radon mitigation is to safely redirect radon gas from beneath your home and vent it outside, preventing it from accumulating indoors. Our mitigation process includes:

  • Diagnostic Testing: We assess your home’s foundation and radon levels to determine the best mitigation strategy.
  • Sub-Slab Depressurization: A pipe is inserted through a small hole in the concrete foundation, creating a pathway for radon to escape before it enters your home.
  • Ventilation System Installation: A fan is installed to pull radon gas from beneath your home and vent it safely above the roofline, where it dissipates into the air.
  • System Monitoring: After installation, we test the system to ensure it is effectively reducing radon levels to a safe range.

With proper installation, your mitigation system will run continuously to maintain safe air quality in your home. Call today for a mitigation estimate at 207-615-1507.

Call today for a mitigation estimate at 207-615-1507

Who Needs Radon Testing

Radon testing isn’t just for home buyers—it’s essential for anyone who wants to ensure their indoor air quality is safe. You need radon testing and mitigation if you:

  • Own a home and rent it out
  • Own a home and occupy it yourself
  • Are a realtor helping clients buy or sell
  • Are a contractor remodeling or building new homes

Even if your neighbor’s home tested low for radon, yours could have elevated levels. Testing is the only way to be sure your home is safe.

Best Times for Radon Testing and Mitigation

According to The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (MeCDC), the best time for radon testing is during the colder months when homes are sealed tightly for heating. If you choose to test yourself, follow these MeCDC guidelines:

  • When possible, test when your heat is on (during cooler months).
  • Close all doors and windows for 12 hours before starting the test.
  • Keep windows and doors closed during the test, except for normal coming and going.
  • Place the testing bottles or canisters in the lowest livable area of the house—usually the basement.

If your home tests high for radon, don’t wait. Protect your family with professional radon mitigation from DB Air Quality.

Call 207-615-1507 today for expert radon mitigation services in Southern Maine.

Click here for more information from the MeCDC

Ensure Your Family Can Live Happy and Healthy by Requesting Your Free Radon Mitigation Estimate 

Call DB Air Quality today at 207-615-1507
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